Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

You sounds a little bit… off.

But can you join the nightx wagon?

I’m trying to figure out how Techwolves could be prevented on me
and the only thing I can think of is A noble protected me with Send Servant

Meaning he tried to fucking attack me

Welp, lets analyze who kills who first.

So Parfait being killed by Prince…

And Dama killed by Druid/Alche?


How are you get prevented from him?

I wasn’t prevented on tech. Tech claimed to be prevented from healing me. Which isn’t possible.
Like I said, i matched Orange and Braixen and got vines.
The ONLY possibility (unless i’m missing something) is techwolves tried to murder me and the second noble saved my life.

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Oh, ok.


It’s fine. I probably wasn’t clear enough.
@techwolves Explain yourself.

Okay. I can’t really participate all that much now, but I do have some information for you.

Damafaud definitely wasn’t killed by the Prince. I know this, because I’m the second Noble. It’s good that my read on him was correct - he was the highest on my convert list.

However, what’s interesting is that he said that he would use Royal Announcement. While it is definitely plausible that he lied, I don’t see any reason for him to send a servant to Marl. Which means, if Tech was prevented from visiting Marl, some weird shenanigans are going on.

Since Marl is himself saying he wasn’t jailed, that means Tech definitely lied.

I will give you my entire list of reads later today. It might prove useful. Either way, I’m /voting Night for now.

You didn’t send a servant to guard me? Do we have a CW or something then?
Also he was an aristocrat, Aristo doesn’t have send servant i don’t think

True, Aristo can’t send servants. My bad.

I didn’t send a servant to you.

How the bloody hell was he prevented? Is he lying? Do we have a court wizard?

The thing is that it would be a weird and unnecessary lie.

Braixen has been judged by the wilds

Druid can’t use judgement on themself.
Either orange is the druid or this druid really wants braixen dead (vined his room and judged him.)

By the way, the fact that either Orange or Braixen has vines according to you makes me suspect Orange given what I previously read him as.

We’re on the same page it seems.

Orange has been shady all game. People have been passing it off as him trying to bait out scum but I realistically think he could be scum.

I’ll honestly say that I made a convert probability list (probability level 1 to 5), and you were one of the two people at 5, Marl. The other was Dama.

Because Dama is now dead, you’re my main trusted BD today. Let’s try to gamesolve.

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Needed Results / Mysteries to solve before days end

Mystery 1: How did Damafaud die? IF YOU KILLED DAMAFAUD AND ARE BD/NON-NK NEUT SPEAK UP. We can assume parfait died to the prince. As a druid, I would absolutely never kill n2 and would always wait until i’ve vined 2+ people.

Mystery 2: How was techwolves prevented on me? Do we have a court wizard? Is he lying? I received no notice of a merc guard, nor am I a fool, nor was I jailed.

Mystery 3: If the druid killed Damafaud, how did I receive Vines on Orange/Braixen? A druid CANNOT Judgement themself, meaning Orange is either the druid or The Druid didn’t kill Dama and is instead trying to kill Orange/Braixen

Results Needed: Did NozBugz Wisp? Who did he wisp and who visited him on that wisp?