Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

Cause that makes Orange… A prince.

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Was thinking Braix was hardcore Prince but guess not, Orange will claim on stand so it doesnt matter

Nah not yet, someone couldve lied about their class like how some people do

Orange isn’t even 100% the Druid guys. Keep this in mind
Just because he has vines doesn’t mean he is the druid.

Shh Marl stop being counter productive

I’m just being honest - I have no reason to lie as BD. We don’t know the druid 100% we just have a suspect.

@Hippolytus (dear god so many fucking hippos pop up when i @hipp ) @Moleland
If I’m the MM trying to pull of a maid claim, why was Dama so shady about confirming me d2? You legit think he’s silly enough to do that kind of thing to his own MM? He looked like he was contemplating lying about his claim to throw shade on me.

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He wasn’t sure who was asking about it.

Lol Eevee can you just rebound this King as soon as possible

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You literally could just not, also. We can pressure him the right way with votes d4. I’d rather not die or be converted to a loss just to kill a potential neut king.

:thinking: You wouldnt want me to protect the alch it seems

Also i probably know who i am debauching tonight

If we hang the druid and you debauch me, all you’ll do is stop me from helping find the mastermind. But if that’s what i gotta deal with to prove i’m not it, go for it.

Orange u better claim or u are Druid

Especially since u have had vines twice

Its smarter to just out yourself Now since you already have vines on you. No matter what on the next Forest you die. Claim now so we can either lynch you or confirm you are who you can be

What? who had vines on him the first time?

r u all dumb


“Braixen can’t be Druid because he was marked during the day! It must be orange!”

-A bunch of idiots

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Im like 50% sure Fade told us Druid cant mark himself cuz thats gamebreaking