Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

Druid kill is obvious

Problem with that

If it was a Druid Kill, Prince wouldnt have had vines

Unless Dama visited Orange right?

Uhh wtf u talking about

Well, we are taking the word of the mm there

Bad Rat

Rule #1 of FoL, never doubt someone unless you have info to prove it

Nvm that is electrocution that does that.

Uh yeah

@FadeBlade want to come here and get the ball rolling?

Fade always disappears

To be fair, so what?

That is a bad rule.

Most of the time I doubt someone cuz they act sus af imo, not becaues I have a hard mechanical evidence that disproves them.

Bad hippo

So I’m examining Dama door cause of death?

Lol no you are healing someone

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I think you are being debauched or jailed actually.

I mean there will be no deaths tonight unless prince exe.