Sorry i missed it hippo thanks
Heal the prince or me which ever you feel more at risk of dying.
Heal orange
Ill be on someone else then
Ok ill heal orange
Did Vulgard claim yet or is he a non claimers?
I would be fine with Sam dying
actually yolo celeste is a good idea it will confirm tech as alchemist and confirm night as physician
Hes Noble. Its confirmedly noble
But if Night is not phys then Celeste dies. Let’s not do this.
Sam Im the most useless class. Do it do it
Im only anti-conversions
You could find occ immune people and block the mm not useless.
If night is not phys than we caught him. He has been debauched so he can’t do shit anyway.
- Heal orange
- Or yolo bomb
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Nice idea
YOLO bomb is more fun
Or better yet, how about we forget about the healing celeste part and just have tech yolobomb him to confirm.
LOL Niceeee hippo