Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

Night 3 Begins now

Day 4 Begins with Vulgards death he was the Noble he left a journal

Vulgard, the Noble.
The other Noble is Damafaud.

N1 - Crier. Also, a talk with Dama about some strategy.
N2 - Sending a Servant to Sam. SSS


eevee - I have no idea what he is at this point, but since his earlier Merc claim is uncontested I’ll believe
he’s Merc. Read Note 2 though.

Hippolytus - One of two Physician claims now, and since Parfait seems so scummy, he wins the
“truth award” no contest. He DID seem BD D2 and for now, I’m willing to trust him.

Moleland - Cowardly King vibes, I don’t think he’s Evil/Devout, and I don’t think he’s BD either. The force
pardon on Parfait was definitely suspicious though.

Orange - After all the reveals, and after reading everything he did during the game - proactive pushing
for claims etc., etc. - I believe Orange is the Hunter. His great aggression with Eevee’s help solidifies
that for me. Knowing all the repercussions his playstyle could possibly have, and the fact it makes him
a target, Orange being Hunter would make sense to me. Read Note 2 though.

Marluxion - Maid claim, no reason not to believe it. One of the most trustworthy people here. But, they
could be the convert, and a quite likely one at that. See my convert list for more info about that.

NozBugz - Princess claim, but apparent scum read by the majority of my BD reads and those who
claimed. It might be the Mastermind, but I somehow doubt it. What’s worth noting is that Noz is the
only claim which can confirm that it hasn’t been converted at night.

NightX - First claimed “unimportant BD”, then “Squire”. I think this might very well be the Druid, but I will
wait for an Investigative to confirm that. If not Druid, I would think he’s the Mastermind. He just
doesn’t seem towny enough to be a BD read for me.

Celeste_Ludenberg - Drunk. No reason to doubt this for now, unless converted. He/she seems to always
be scummy, so I’ll just let them be for now.

Damafaud - I obviously know he started as Noble, so I can’t be wrong about that. However, as my
convert list states, Dama is my #1 suspect as the N1 convert.

techwolves - Alchemist, uncontested. Can be Mastermind, but less likely than Night in my book. Could be
Unseen, but his claim being uncontested makes that less likely.

Sam - Sheriff. Uncontested. Could be the convert, but then again, everyone could.

Insanity - At first I thought he acted so neut/scum that he could actually be BD, but now I’m doubting
that. I know that he was compatible with me N1 when Marl checked me, but to be honest, Insanity
could be the convert. It might sound ridiculous for veterans, but if NightX is Mastermind, I would
seriously consider it because he doesn’t know the supposed weaknesses of Insanity as scum. Just going
to say this here too - I don’t like the “he plays bad scum” line of reasoning, and the ones similar to that.
Players can play differently every game regardless of alignment.

Parfait - The third Physician claim, and the person who was listed in my read list as a lurker before. The
fact that Frost and Parfait were clearly antagonized makes me believe Parfait can’t be BD, and there are
various red flags from Parfait scattered across D2 as well.

Braixen - I firmly believe this is the Prince and he/she is just being vague about it.


BD: Me, Dama, Orange, Sam, Celeste, Noz, Marl, Insanity, Braixen.
Unseen: Night?, Parfait, one of the people listed as BD or Eevee.
Neut: Night?, Tech, Eevee.
Cowardly King: Moleland.

Argument for Night and Parfait being scum together: They are both new. The argument about the
weakness of converting Insanity was there earlier, but since they are both new, they wouldn’t know.
I know that this sounds like a ridiculous tinfoil theory at this point, especially since literally anyone
else could be the convert (including Dama, sadly enough), but it’s a theory I believe could be correct.
Call me stupid if you want.

Convert likelihood in my eyes:

5 - Damafaud. As sad as it is, I wouldn’t even know whether Damafaud was converted or not, and neither
would anyone else. I hope it’s not the case, but we should consider that possibility too and let Marl
disprove it if needed. Additionally, after N2 chat, I have an increased suspicion of Dama being converted.
Specifically, not using Send Servant even though I suggested it, and being extremely silent even though
he doesn’t usually talk much. What makes it worse is that he went completely under the radar D2. His
only noticeable interaction was with Marl, about his own Royal Blood, which he confirmed he had. This
interaction is important in my opinion, but still, the fact that he kept so quiet makes me wonder whether
or not he was converted. And again, I do understand he’s not a vocal player, but he was even less vocal
than Parfait until she was accused. That’s quite an achievement even Insanity couldn’t obtain.
5 - Marl. Knowing what I know about Dama, and having seen the “Royal Blood confirmation”, the
interaction between Marl and Dama, I see it as a talk between BD and a convert. One of Marl or Dama
is the convert, this is my theory right now, and I’m sticking to it. I’m basing it on what I said about Dama
above, because Marl’s inititative about the royal blood information could be both BD-sided or scum-sided.
Also, he could very easily gain towncred D2 because it’s very difficult to disprove Maid aside from a
direct investigation. The fact that he outed Dama as having Royal Blood for no apparent reason
(“confirming himself” when he was already confirmed isn’t a good reason to me) only made me suspect
him more too.
4 - Noz. I firmly believe that silent/seemingly unimportant people are the best convert targets, and Noz
fits that description.
4 - Insanity. Same thing as with Noz. Him being compatible with me N1 doesn’t prove he’s NOT the
convert. The fact that he hasn’t claimed yet makes me think it’s a strong converted class too, if he really
is the convert.
3 - Sam. I’m not saying it happened, but to be honest, him being Marshal would make a few things
clear, including why he doesn’t appear to be scumhunting as actively as most. It could just be me reading
him poorly though.
2 - Celeste. Not saying Techwolves is the Mastermind and Celeste got converted by him because of the
deb, but Celeste has been acting pretty scummy throughout D2. It might just be because he’s bad BD,
but in reality, it could just as easily be Alcoholic now, as he pointed out himself. I do realize Celeste
acts scummy nearly all the time though, which is why he/she’s sitting here with score 2.
2 - Parfait. If anything, he’s starting Unseen, not converted.
2 - Night. Unless he lied about being attacked for whatever reason, him being converted makes no sense
because it was the Assassin who attacked him N1. Also, since the other suspicion is about him being
Druid, him being converted is even less likely.
2 - Eevee. Despite the obvious benefits of converting Eevee, it probably wouldn’t happen N1. Way too
risky. It would be like converting him with the intention of executing him later because he didn’t/couldn’t
1 - Hippo. It was obviously impossible.
1 - Braixen. Because of my read, impossible.
1 - Orange, because Eevee claimed to be his Merc D1, and Sam claimed to be scouting him.
1 - Techwolves. Convert immune based on his uncontested claim.
1 - Moleland. He’s the King, duh.
1 - Myself. I KNOW I’m not converted, lmao.

Note: The Damafaud/Marl Royal Blood interaction is important. In fact, because it exists, I think one of
them is the convert - however Dama seems to be a bit more likely, which is why he’s the highest on my

Note 2: I am considering the possibility of Eevee or Orange being very smart scum, but for now, that’s
not something I’m willing to support fully right now.

Voting 6 are needed

  • Hippolytus
  • Celeste_Lundenberg
  • NozBugz
  • Sam17z
  • orangeandblack5
  • NightX
  • Insanity
  • techwolves
  • eevee
  • Moleland :crown:
  • Not Voting

0 voters

It isn’t Night, Support/Social

Hey @orangeandblack5 - we were considered a very smart scum. Duh.

So Insanity/Hippo? Seems okay


I got jailed.

what was that will lmao


I’m not even gonna try read it


Also polik died to alchemist.

Basically outdated.

I mean Dama lol polik isn’t playing.

inb4 Dama is secretly alt of Polik

@Insanity - day ability result?

I sent my bird to NightX, he leaved.


Hey Insanity. Let me help you. For real.

Use your day ability on me now.


Also @Insanity confirm that you was linked by me last night. :wink: