Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

I mean mercenary and contract beef this is funny. Your mercenary is cheating on you.

okay Knight, CS Sam in case of fool. I want to put Braix at L-1 to put some mor epressure on him

Yeah I wouldn’t rebound Sam

He’ll probably be our target today if Braixen is convincing


No L-1

L-2 is fine

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I am ok with a Knight CS, it confirms me which is fine, but the knight dies which idc if you guys don’t care.

l-1 is best L. that means I can do something awesome

Literally all braix has to do is show up and say hey guys I exist. That’s all it’ll take for me to swap my vote

If Braixen shows up I think we should go after @Sam17z next

But then Sam’ll probably hammer it

And there goes a ton of time

Noz says vote Braxien but still has vote on me kek

I need a read from Braixen on Sam, and some reassuring words.

A claim wouldn’t hurt but is literally not required.

i want more pressure on Braix. Sam put him at L-1 and my vote will go off you :wink:

Because they’re smart enough to listen to reason

…I hope

Noz no

Bad Noz

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/Vote Sam
So Noz can’t reenact a bad meme


also NOZ YES

Noz we need your vote to go to trial btw. Nvm mark changed his vote

Thanks Marl

you ruin all the fun Marl

/vote Sam