Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

Even if Fool we all just waste an irl week


Idk how it’s worth it when we already have different suspects like Braixen and, in a way, Mole

But then again, Sam can just be Unseen.

I think Sam is Fool though.


Sam is Fool!
Sam is not Fool!

WTF is debate scrum?

no. no need let knight or prince kill him. or hunter wolf

I will speak to prince and he may deem whether I live or die.

Remember, Poor fellow was nerfed

Either way a Prince exe would solve everything.


@prince jail me tonight thanks let’s talk.

What is danganropa :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, you’re speaking to us. Right now. Fuck the braix wagon

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i see we need to conver tyou to the light of Atua

No way am I letting the Prince take that

Waste of a night.

Just end it here. It’s bad if it’s Fool, but it’s not game-ending like a dumb BD Prince-execute could be.

No more weebs

We have a Drunk, don’t we? Can’t we just ignore Sam?

you can’t stop me from making them see the light of Atua

Honestly though if Sam is Fool it just highlights how damn easy the class is to win with

Before I did not think Orange was BD, but now after this comment I think Orange is BD.

And why we shouldn’t be playing with it in this setting

Idk who Atua is either