Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

Orange agreeing with insanity, never happens.

Orange and Insanity both scum

/vote Orange

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Claim pls or me jail

Honestly give me a night to prove myself. Then if I don’t you can Lynch me

I dont believe u are evil Noz its just wagon sorry

Temporarily fake claiming as town works wonders if you do it right in FoL. Trash idea in ToL obviously but this is totally different.

I was asking if you were scum or not and you FoS’d me :sob:

We should Braix’s claim then Orange’s

Ded to merc

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Cuz who would ask that

(Or im just confusing my pkr reads with orange)

Brai seriously whats your claim so I can jail Van

Woah they don’t need to claim

Thing is if you lunch me you may not get to hear me sing Let It Go :wink:

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Shh orange me mad she survived

Im not claiming.

Well rip.

I don’t want braixen or orange to claim I hate the get all claims mentality it gets you nowhere. Hang noz who’s probably Mastermind and go from there.


Lynch him

I claim Fool

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Well rip she aint claiming @Marluxion get ze claim outta Brai with your true maid powerz