Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

tbf why we voting frost over parfait? A druid is unlikely to draw attention to himself by ccing, and I don’t like how everyone was happy to vote up frost over parfait.

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Well holy shit, then we’ve agreement.

I agree with this. That’s the main reason I wanted to swap to you (before learning you were jailed) or Parfait.

So I’m going to
/Vote Pardon

People snap voted Frost ridiculously fast with no reason other than his claim.

Me being spicy vote, if Orange is testing me for reaction then I passed, naturally.

That being said - If we do hang Parfait and she flips Physician, Prince needs to execute Frostwolf.

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I was all for pardoning you and then you go and say something scummy immediately after
How would you know if you passed or failed Orange’s reaction bait?


If this flips Scum I’m visiting noz to confirm myself and Frost can heal Sam. If it flips phys I’ll heal Sam as frost has nothing to lose.

Also any hunters should still attack me to confirm their existence and my class.

Why else would Orange say that he will trick me?

Consider this possibility;
What if Noz is a paranoid and is trying to bait people into their killing ability? We still have an uncounted for neutral i’m pretty sure so it could be second NK.

Marl, people snap voted because there are Unseen voters there who want to get likely NK over their own members

Well okay, he’s actually talking to Celeste but still…

It’s possible. @orangeandblack5 Did Frostwolf have Vines over his room? or was this made-up nonsense that people just randomly threw out?

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There’s Druid, Merc and Alchemist claim and all NK’s are unique, sorry to burst your bubble but I doubt there’s second NK since only this ‘second non-unique claim’ exists rather than two unique neutral killers.

That’s literally what we and marl were already saying.

And having fourth neutral makes - but actually no it doesn’t.

Adding Mastermind, Assassin, NK, King, Prince, Sheriff, Two Neutrals and putting third neutral claim for this scenario and then we add the BD claims:

Me, Hippo, Celeste, Noz, Night, Parfait, You (Marl) and two nobles

That’s 17.

(brb work session)

/vote Pardon
Do what you will with me. I’ve stated my claim, and Frost counterclaimed me, which is fair enough. If you disagree with the thought that he is indeed scum, I hope that changes when I flip BD.

One of You, Frostwolf or Hippo has to be scum. Why pardon with this knowledge? (Plus the knowledge that Hippo was jailed N1 and there was supposedly an attack.)

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