Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

you first then :eyes:

Oh right


Yes I have Royal Blood

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You’re not messing with me. I know you’re Royal Blood. You’re messing with everyone else when they hang me for miscalling out your royal blood.


I ain’t gonna let you CC me if we have the same claim :stuck_out_tongue:

He does have a reason. Towncred. With Druid as NK and tech debbed while healing, the only class which could’ve attacked N1 is Assassin. If Parfait is Assassin and his attack failed for some reason (for example, they attacked Hippo), he might’ve wanted to gain towncred by claiming attacked and Squire immediately.

Of course, there’s also option #2. Hippo is actually Assassin and not Parfait. In this case, claiming attacked would have the additional benefit of throwing suspicion off of Hippo.

Take that as you will.

which I doubt because one of us is guaranteed to be Neutral

and I like living with the 50/50

option #2 is too obvious to be a good idea

not impossible but just saying

Orange, I’m already claimed tho :eyes:

so you’re not the prince

but if you’re trying to get a Physician on me, are you really? :eyes:

To add upon the second option, Hippo counterclaiming Frost and Parfait would make perfect sense because of his “can’t have been converted” status.

Alright fine

Eevee and I are both Physicians

He healed me last night


that’d better be a joke
don’t make it a PENTA THUNDERDOME




I’m not claiming physician :eyes:

tbf a penta-thunderdome would be sick af

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But that doesn’t mean you aren’t :stuck_out_tongue:

Checks rolecard

Nope, definetly not physician.