Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

I don’t even…

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But let’s just say you haven’t proved pretty much as Physician you know?

Well that’s too bad, I claimed to have healed Vulgard before Marl revealed his actions.

Ah I see, that was not clear. That is true, neither of us are proven, but I am asking to be proven in many ways asap, whereas you are claiming to be already proven which is a lie.

Which do you think is scummier?

The wagon is based on incorrect information now apparently.

Somehow, they believe Orange is investigative and says I got vines - are we sure he’s not trying to backpedal -again- since Sam?

Not sure if he votes me and says I got vines that way and then he says he don’t remember saying such thing.

What’s he doing?

Who the fuck first said you have vines

Wasn’t it Orange?

I have an idea. To prove to you I’m Physician, let’s lynch frost. His behaviour and CC feel scummy to me. If he flips scum, then I’m good. If he flips BD, the drunk can Deb me and prove that I’m Physician.

No. Honestly 9/10 times the guy spreading this misinformation is scum. I’m on mobile but at some point someone needs to go back and see who first said it.

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Who first claimed? That would be me.

The only reason I’ve been pushing, voting and now voting exe on Frost is because I read him as evil the entire time.

Just to clarify why the vote happens. The “vine” from Orange wasn’t relevant to my decision.

Orange has fake claimed at least twice now.

I’m sus of both Frost and Parfait tbh

All is weird claiming invest shenanigans

They’re goddamned confusing


I got nothing to fear, if that drunk actually decide to debauch me which is different method to confirm if I am Druid or not.

Physician is not redirect immune.

Who would know it was me :^)

Orange is physician, they couldn’t gey vines.

Then again, I doubt I can trust you to take my fur and pretend to be Physician?

The answer is literally right above the sentence you quoted
