Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

Alright cool

I just realized, if druid killed someone then they wouldnt have come up as vined. Is there a Knight or something? From what I understand, Parfait was jailed(probably). But then Dama couldnt have attacked someone… Is it possible Dama was actually the jailed person and Parfait went into a Hunter or Knight??? Hmm odd… odd indeed. Im probs overthinking this

Are you illiterate or do you just not like to read Vulgard’s posts? We’ve already discussed this. Dama talked in noble chat, he couldn’t have been jailed.

Yes Marl Im illiterate, I havent read any post other than Sam’s and Yours really. I skim over everything else barely reading it

Or maybe I was trying to get your opinion on it :wink:

You don’t even read MY posts it seems. I’ve already given my thoughts on it.

Thats also a valid deduction

But then again its 8am no sleep waiting for fade to open this thing up

but why

Cuz I needed my dose of thinking

now you’ll just be asleep when the important conversations are happening

Gosh darn it Marl you are right

I should claim my class now.

I claim observer.

And I followed NightX last night, he did not visited anyone nor being visited.

how the HECC was tech prevented against me then? I was like 90% certain you were a cw who ice warded me.


This means that NightX is NOT the mastermind unless he just didn’t use his inspection ability for some reason.
@Sam17z and whoever else is voting Night, you need to reconsider your vote on him.

It also means he isn’t a druid, as the follow results would be replaced by vines.

Who the HELL is the Mastermind then?

Noz becomes a suspect because of his Princess claim. We need to confirm his wisp. Also, I want to clarify something. Do Merc’s contracts know they were guarded by their Merc?

Ok i agree /vote orange


/vote Orange

If no wisp was recieved we should hang Noz after pressuring Orange.
Otherwise, the MM’s claim isn’t Spec/Inves meaning me and Noz can find them.
This also means that BOTH NOZ AND MYSELF will need protection from converson (Happy Hour/CW Barrier)

Also, don’t write insanity off yet. Insanity could be the MM, remember I checked Insanity and Vulgard COMPATIBLE n1, which would check out if Insanity was MM.