Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

@Moleland are you neutral or BD. We’re getting close to gamesolving now so it is best to claim neutral if you are neutral.

What is bugging me is how Damafaud died. I thought it may have been eevee but he guarded marluxion. So how tf did Damafaud die? All I can think of is that Druid vined Dama and then ignited Dama, meaning Marluxion lied about vines on orange, which is part of the reason I suspect him.

I literally can’t think of any way Damafaud died.

Do we really trust Mole’s word? I say we kill him once we find Druid

Only if the game keeps going.

He is the lowest priority

Legit tho can we please brainstorm how the fuck damafaud died

Tech maybe?

Druid is the only logical possiblity,

he healed marluxion, he knew that eevee prevented him visiting before eevee said so

That’s what I think, which makes me certain Marl is a lil’ lying hoe.

Unless CW pulled of a 10000iq tornado play there is no logical possibility than Druid


Noz check NightX tonight please.

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Yes just jailing

will do

But it could only be Braixen, Insanity, Night, or Marl iirc

So easy

I say Insanity

We need MM if we want to stamp out Unseen, they are off cooldown

Someone hammer Brax please


calling all hammerers

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That’s the point of debauching Night