Oh nvm
night 1 peek LUL
Cuz Celeste is kinda weird.
/vote Insanity
Oh wait we’re still on trial.
These logs are full of garbage, they are information that is already known. Nothing new or special and seeing if Celeste left his room N3 like why you said he was confirmed bd. And who peeks that early. And why would not the observer be on me the confirmed sheriff to check who visited me to punish them if I died and to confirm the people who actually visited me.
I am sorry,
I am actually bad a fol, lol.
didn’t think of that.
Insanity the Forum Veteran I doubt that you are actually bad at FOL considering you are a forum veteran, I mean claiming observer is a ballsy move that just did not work out for you.
No, I am really bad at the game, lul.
Yeah thats kinda sus, wasting a peek on little ol me who is confirmed alcholic/drunk
But then again it was n1
I guess I can forgive him for that wasted peek
you aren’t that bad at FoL
You’re not our best player, but i still respect your skills just enough to say
You’re scum!
after we pardon braix you will get my vote out of respect
/vote Execute
I know you’re like confirmed BD and all
but can you not be shady as all fuck
Im allowed to be shady
I fucking knew marl would do this
If we inno this marl is unaccounted for and can get a convert off.