Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

i mean what? orange’s alt?

Yeah it’s mine

Imma do a whole post on the insane number of problems we’ve had in FoL when this game finishes. There are several basic changes that could be made that would it make it far better.

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Like no Fool


I knew it

I think I had this game in the bag if Dama didn’t die - I’m confident I could have gotten mole hung by d4 and possibly dama on the throne

My alt is Hipp0lytus, insanities is Hippolytous, oranges is Hippolytus with a capital I.


It’s a very subtle difference :slight_smile:

I’d make MarIuxion but I’d get banned for impersonating staff :stuck_out_tongue:

MoIeIand, MoleIand, and MoIeland here I come


Anywho; Speculation on who the druid is

Who needed to NOT HAVE VINES n2?
Who would vine Damafaud of all people n1?
I think it has to be a less experienced player
I’d have vined orange/hippo n1 100% of the time

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jk guys if you’re reading this don’t be me and do dumb things

It can’t be Night so it’s Braixen or Insanity

Neither of which are new



Too bad, I would have made tech wolves king

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Druid kill isn’t a visit is it

With the ludicrous amount of Royal Blood rolled? Naaaaah


Meaning it CAN be NightX.

Cowardly king chooses their own successor if lynched

Wait really? That shits great

I didn’t know that. I figured cowardly king was a copypasta of in-game neut king