Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

And what would you debauching me solve if I were?

You aren’t confirmed to be on Marl team either

BD team also

Literally nothing

Very true i could indeed be converted n1 but still got my debauch off but who knows man

I’m not mean… Comeon.

Tho I could rebound if think it would help my contract, I won’t do it for fun.

Who IS your contract anyways

Gonna make a screen to be fair, kay?

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I wasn’t going to accuse you of abusing it, rather, anyone who votes needs to post so you know the full list of targets you can rebound from.

Since you obviously can’t have all eyes on the poll at all times.

/vote Brax


Don’t forget us…


Don’t forget to post a /vote hippo so people know you voted for him :wink:


This will do it.

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I did?

If I did then I didn’t mean to vote them. Probably misclick when scrolling on phone.

No, I’m dumb. Hippo has a vote on YOU. Not the other way around.

Who did you compare?

This is very important.

They were compatible. So they are two BD. I don’t want to out them for no reason otherwise they are at risk of conversion.

Hey, drunk can protect 2 people from conversion, I can 1, king can 1… It’s actualy funny.


we will want to rule out who is the Druid.