Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

I was trying to see, if I could sway your opinion on something so false by saying a made up reason why he would do it like that and that he did it on purpose.

@Braixen we’re about to lynch you instead of actual scum (@Sam17z)

Please convince us he’s a better target.

/vote Orange

He’ll have a full 12 hours if someone decides to hammer and push it to trial.

lol sams getting merced

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You do that in 396

If the merc kills me then we should Lynch them and Orange tomorrow because I am BD.

CHOO CHOO!! /unvote pingeth me when someboyd needs a hammar

That’s the worst argument for your life I’ve ever heard

Wait what why keep them at 7

I would say sam is more leaning towards social neut but my guts say hes BD of Killer or Social. Would make sense if hes one of the two Nobles. He wants to most likely confirm himself when I get ordered not to vote by a noble

Celestial you going to debauch me or what?

Its possible who knows

I still feel like you will mess me up with that Noble Order

10/10 logic

I want you debauch me to confirm.

You going to use order on me anyways arent ya

@Marluxion halp me hes assaulting me

Don’t Deb him

Just debauch me.