G! Turbo! - Game Over! - The Blue Dragon, The Mercenary, The Mercenary and The Fool win!

:heart: Wazza was drawing a card to his mom :heart:


Shush. It’s mothers day tomorrow.

im alive

Yeh but we kinda need at least 7 players.

Anyone got any friends to invite?

What are friends?

omg wazza you scared me
I still have time

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I was gonna yeet myself alive if mother’s day was tomorrow

lucky brat.

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:heart: Wazza has a soul and it’s time to ruin it :heart:

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everyone should write a card to there mom

The Only person who has a Soul is Soul.

And that Soul is dead.


do we need 7 yeetsters though

Soul wants to make me pizza because I’m scared of my basement, so I think he has a alive and working soul.

what lol?

is pizza your comfort food or something

My pizza is in the freezer, our freezer is in the basement, I’m scared of my basement.

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is ur basement that bad



@Wazza yeet