G! Turbo! - Game Over! - The Blue Dragon, The Mercenary, The Mercenary and The Fool win!

this isn’t vc ur fine

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ok brb cutealch is making me hungry and now I have to get pizza or I will die

okay seriously tho I might need to go afk for a few mins.

I’ll start pre-game and shit first tho.


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Only surprassed by this

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That’s like telling a kid who has stuttering problems to stop.

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Don’t die on us rooCry

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But I thought squid fixed that


sit in a fosterposition and breathe slowly through ur nose


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gg got pizza

You just can’t handle the lord.

Stop dying or I have to resurrect you

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everyone shut up while I send out classes

also you can totally join I’m down to roll two new classes.

no u

I already asked she isn’t interested

dude that isn’t funny, I can barely speak irl rn anyway.
