G! Turbo - Gamer Over - Modkill Galore (The Psychopathic King and The Foreign Security Agent win!)

/Vote Hjaisk

I need to spam a

/vote eevee

No its right

Modkills stop passives

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I need to have the highest count

wdym breach of game integrity


What did eevee do?

please hel me
cursed class

I’m neither and this class should flip cult sooo… it’s pobably the moderror class we had before and I was not modkilled?

No idea, lol.

/Vote Eevee
Actually let’s see if he’s actually alive or not


Like I said before

Modkills bypass passives

/vote eevee

oh, bet.
/vote meteoro

Maybe modkills bypass this?

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/vote Eevee

/vote Meteoro