G! Turbo - Gamer Over - Modkill Galore (The Psychopathic King and The Foreign Security Agent win!)

Guys, notice how meteoro’s vote on eevee isn’t on the vc? that means eevee wasnt really revived so we have that class that makes the host says stuff again


Anti King+ killer

that and the fact that the day still says 9/12 instead of 10/12

Not exactly but sure, I can deal with being called that

I didn’t do a night action

what kind of king are you
bd yes, but anything special?

bd presumably*

they are the weeb king

Bluestorm was modkilled! They attempted to angleshoot in order to confirm Margaret as Blue Dragon. They were the:

smol bean
town social
all posts must be made in all lowercase using the smallest font possible (######), 3 strikes and you’re out.
the first time you are attacked, become BIG BOI.
you win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

I was revived? Sweet.

Merc was my assassin.

/vote Mercenary

Why did you mention England earlier?
Is your class England related?

/vote merc

/vote merc

lolnope, doesn’t say anything about that in my card

Weeb king

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your revived and rerolled so tell us yoru assassin

@Wazza send me my new rolecard

wait guys if eevee really is revived then they have to be unseen, if they rolled BD they would know what their old teammates were

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With 8 players alive, Majority is 5.

Mercenary - 1 Vote. - Isaac.

Let’s see if Eevee’s vote counts