G! Turbo - Gamer Over - Modkill Galore (The Psychopathic King and The Foreign Security Agent win!)

It does not

2 votes* i voted aswell

wazza didn’t say i died in my card dm so i’m not dead

wazza if you reroll eevee they will out there assassin

I think Psycho is confirmed town/neut

Hmmm… So margaret is the one doing this?

/vote margaret

Well your vote is gone

/vote blue
Test to see if alive

no vote merc they are outted assassin

boi thatll just get you killed

/vote eevee
They’re bsing pretty hard

guess for the purposes of the “modkill” it’s been hidden
/vote margaret

With 8 players alive, Majority is 5.

Mercenary - 2 Votes. - Isaac, Simon.

Margaret - 1 Vote - Psycho.



Im the Foreign Security Agent

I’ll go back to spamming

Well, it still isnt there

please post card

/vote merc

I rather not

additionally the first time i’m attacked i’m turned into the big boi, which didn’t happen
so bite me