G! Turbo - Gamer Over - Modkill Galore (The Psychopathic King and The Foreign Security Agent win!)

Well /Vote Marg

To step up, do it in your classcards. Voting is disabled until the King Election is over.

i have stepped by the way

blue i think you were really killed. sorry m8

no i wasn’t, i upped mercenary

One moment, I forgot to give someone their feedback.

i was the definitive vote on mercenary getting voted up yesterday

werent you killed after he was revealed?

no, i was “supposedly” killed before then.
also to my knowledge, merc is female

lol what

also, also, if i were attacked, wazza, you should change my class.

how was psycho and mercenary modkilled

Okay you may step up now.

oh soory

BlueStorm has been revived and their class has been changed/re-rolled.

that’s a lie

I know It from my mega skills

bleustorm is dead nas o is eevee

The King Election is between:

