G! Turbo - Gamer Over - Modkill Galore (The Psychopathic King and The Foreign Security Agent win!)

Loved you for that. But, the funniest part. I modkilled you in the end. I modkilled the modkiller.

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oh that’s why eevee started talking

I totaly wasn’t using it.

No wait, two only I think?

Using night ability during day?

Hey Waz

Keep giving me my own classes, I love it

I still say that moderror happened on my kill.

Keep giving me NK

what was mercs class?

Oh right, yeh, you could use any ability at any time, even if you used it the cycle before. So basically, Normal Assassin can attack during day and night. The Modkiller can modkill day and night. No matter what.

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Merc was the innocent child that revealed, you stupid idiot.

Merc would have won if they werent convert immune

Why did you conduit the Innocent Child into death LOL

so why did merc suggest topics

@Wazza why my passives didn’t trigger if it only APPEARED as modkill?

panic conduit I did random players

Since I moderrored honestly. But it was too late.

Can I get another MVP for puppeting the mindwarper into more chaos again?

The MVP of the game is… GamerPoke.



Hey, noone used and found more bastard mechanics then I did :^)