G! Turbo - Gamer Over - Modkill Galore (The Psychopathic King and The Foreign Security Agent win!)


Bloody 'ell 9?!?! I’m shook.

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Let’s kick wazza

Oh also, Hjasik classes are possible now, I’m sorry :joy:


We need a new host

I spread true evil

I thought we were besties.

But you don’t understand pig…

back from eating breakfast

What if I roll class with condition to make me win will I auto win?

wait wazza how come im not the 1st player :rage:

ultra noob list


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I agree

Okay that’s it, you’re going to hell.

no plz it wasn’t me

Okay you’re going to heaven… if you call GamerPoke a noob.

Ultra pro list for noobs


biggest noob on planet


Guys can someone tell me how to copy classes like idk how.

quote them