General FM Strategy Thread 2.0

if you can’t figure that out then why are you playing

/use time

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I have a problem with this because Im like I can read 200 posts or so in like 10 minutes, and by the time I read them all its been 30 minutes and theres been 100 new posts. I gotta learn to skim more often

I normally read the whole thread at least 3 times.


Read them quickly and see if they immediately jump out to (ping) you as being wolfy then read them in more depth.

Woah lul

(also why do we have like limits?? won’t do anymore off-topic.)

Wait so I’m actually doing the right thing for once?

why do we have finite money.

same reason

No don’t listen to Icibalus

Icibalus is being a bad role model right now

Stuff that is often not considered when making reads but should be more often:

  • Tone
  • Thread Climate
  • VCA
  • Possible Motivations

I should point out that if you have time you really ought to read the thread. It’s just that in a pinch it’s better to skimread them first for context before going back and looking at them in more depth.


Teach me this thread climate and VCA

Thread warming

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I always want to remember this but I just don’t when making reads.

Threading Warming is a very serious issue on the forums

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Thread Climate reads are, at their most basic, when the post sticks out like a sore thumb in terms of content to the other posts being posted at the same time despite it not being the user re-enterring the thread (or some other innocuous explanation). As an example, somebody posting a two-paragraph post during an ITA session, or stuff like that.

Vote Count Analysis is a big topic, and it’s a good one to get onto right now.


teach me

It’s easy

I think you check VCs and who is on which wagon at which time?

Idk though, I just saw people do it in TvB

that’s what everyone says and then you realize that they are lying to your face