General FM Strategy Thread 2.0

What if a strong player rolled cop and gets SPKed and then town is like “who the shit did they check OwO”

“Hmm :thinking: I wonder why the cop that died really townread this guy that didn’t really do anything townie?”

You backread.

So yeah I would’ve had to try and CFD off someone who claimed scum aaaaaaa

Basically, Priestess dug a huge-ass hole by claiming Insurgent. She basically caved herself in by claiming Assassin.

Even hadn’t Dat CC’d her it would still be an idiotic move because if the Emperor obvtown themselves or flipped Righteous then it would be impossible for her to retract her claim as people would read her as a wolf-aligned Insurgent, which is mechanically-proven wolf regardless of how she’s been playing.

Or have everyone put out cop cover.

This is the standard in setups such as Cop 13’ers and also helps provide information via SHC.

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Basically, I see EV in HCing neutral as scum, but -EV in HCing neutral as town

This is why people need to stop doing this shit. It’ll only get you mislynched/misvig’d.

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Can confirm.
If you see a problem, you address that problem.

It’s protown since leaving it there is worse in the long run

Wait brain.
Basically everyone is supposed to claim a n0/n1/n2 etc in C13 for this stuff.


If I was village with possible clearing info on Priestess I would try to find an alternate lynch wagon somewhere.
They ended up screwing themselves over but protecting one of the most important roles in the game is slightly more important than preventing a potential mislynch

Yeah, I should host a Cop 13’er here so people here would get used to SHC and logless games in general, especially as I’m planning my next mash to not have logs at all.

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Games with logs end up devalueing night kills


Also dead interaction does this but even more egregious

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Logs were basically a crutch for newplayers in ToS.

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Logs were needed for turbos but not here

maybe we should get rid of them in fol



That was the point

I was overconfident in my increased dodge and arguably blew the check on somebody I was a bit too confident was scum to really be worth checking

You kind of needed mechanical evidence on your side, to a point.

Because of my tone a lot of people were TRing me.

I don’t remember ever outing I had a check, although I guess you snapshotting me proved my final point pretty well

Still, after getting like 3 wolves D1 I’m not convinced I actually needed that at all to get you killed

Literally nobody in their right mind would ever bus 3+ teammates D1

Actually 4. You got Ashe, Hippo, PKR, and Vulgard later on.