General FM Strategy Thread 2.0

I have been found out!

I have had games where I literally glanced over a single ability and forgot I had it the whole game, and then Solic in dead chat was like why did u never use that ability and I was like what ability

…Don’t slank as wolf. Just post some stuff after only a cursory check to see if it’s not a slip or not. A hugely important part about playing wolf is that you have to work up some serious motivation for it in order to do it well, since it’s based on confidence.

Does combining your scum strat with your town strat work in making you townie :thinking:

don’t worry about appearing town. Work on having good reads

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Htm I think you are actually breaking a couple rules with not reading your pm

What if you start write post and you put thought into it to not spew anything (unlike village play) and then it’s already irrelevant to thread discussion when ready

What if you don’t want to spew info for town by posting

What if you are in good/ok position and are afraid of ruining it by posting

You lose that position if you don’t post

  • Don’t FPS unless you’re certain it can’t go wrong. I’ve seen plenty of intelligent but inexperienced villagers be consensus wolf due to shitty FPSs
  • Focus on having good, well-thought out reads. THINKING about your reads and posting that thought process not only improves your play in terms of reads but also allows people to understand where you’re coming from and get a good read on you.
  • Don’t try to be villagery as villager.
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Only wolves act like villagers

Well no one told me I had to…

So even if I did break some rules I didn’t do it on purpose

Not really it lasts for some time

because humans have invented something called common sense

That’s the problem

tbh it’s not used a lot tho

I’d rather post some irrelevant stuff than some stilted stuff. It’s important to post a lot as wolf simply because the more you post the more natural your tone is.

Not spewing stuff is a totally different idea that I plan to post some thoughts on later.

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Huh…just don’t do it again and it’s fine.

Sadly my common sense is below -1

So still innocent.

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You may be one of the 9/10 people in the world who doesn’t have common sense I forgive you

What’s common sense