General FM Strategy Thread 2.0

Well I self-meta a lot

Ignore it all imo

Ignore all self-meta?

Its just aaaaaaa its just the most LAMIST thing you can do without actually doing a towny thing, because of course you’re just going to make it bias your current play if you can

Lamist isn’t scumtell

I mean everything and nothing is a scum tell if you change your playstyle

its not that it’s a scumtell, its that it’s scummy

Actually it’s more towny

It’s more towny to try and look towny than to focus on finding scum?
Scum craft their posts in a towny manner, especially if they don’t understand how to stream of consciousness. So I disagree that it’s towny

It’s not really common just because ladd, a really damn good player, does it. Besides, self-meta is a nulltell in almost every case, since it’s the only kind of self-awareness that comes from a villager.
I’d reccomend just ignoring it.

Self-meta is BS as it’s entirely possible to swap your own meta mid-game. Usually meta reads need to be done by a 3rd party to be effective as by them doing so this won’t make you self-aware of it and allow you to change it midgame.


The only people who post this kind of stuff who are respected are the people who really don’t like wolfing; it’s more of a quirk unique to Amrock/Creature/ladd due to which allignments they prefer.

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Creature’s basically MU’s version of Hjasik/Isaac/Fireslol/Wazza and other auto-towns, though.

oh yeah
it’s not like he’s WRONG when he says that he’s obvious village when he’s village

But yeah, self-meta is not common on other sites, especially since it’s kind of a bullshit tell anyway and so nobody really gets lynched for it even when it does happen

People generally ignore self-meta here, don’t they?

it’s honestly the best thing to do, since it’s one of few actions that has a perfect motivation to be used by both allignments that can’t really be a wolftell unless it has a really wolfy tone

…I’ve always wondered, do I have a meta here, and do people try to meta-read me?

“Alice is hard to lynch”

Not based on my observations, although I’m sure there’s some kind of tonal difference between wolf!Alice and villager!Alice that makes reads on you pretty accurate when you’re village.

Generally, though, you don’t have a distinctive meta that provides a 90% accurate way of reading you, and it’s really more about what you do. This is generally the sign of a good player.

What’s my meta