General FM Strategy Thread 2.0

I have 3 days till championship

someone fill my head with forum mafia knowledge

Who is in it, aside from you?

names someone said was important to remember

Chelsea , vault, lady(something)

Always keeping him in the PoE basically reduces to ignoring him, finding villagers, and then lynching him alongside the remainder. You can’t really stop this method unless you’re playing with a shit-ton of high level players like him.

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Self meta isn’t trying to look towny it’s showing why you think it’s obvious that you’re town

Everyone’s so ignorant sometimes

Them: You have a superiority complex



Vast tonal gap

Hot take people who self meta with self-belief doing so are 90% of the time town.

Also imo FK isn’t that awful a read because it’s near impossible for him to keep up his perspective and progression as scum when he spams so much. Individual posts will look good but if you read his ISO it should be relatively easy-ish to figure out his alignment.

My problem is I have such low-expectations for everyone that whenever someone says something dumb as shit I dont know if theyre making a wolf-play or just being themself.

How do i fix this, O wise and illustrious Icibalus?

Lynch them when they do it duh

How do i lynch 10 people in a day tho

replace out


Well you’re he only one ballsy enough to punish those softing villagers with a vote instead of a NK

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Is it common to do this and not be a respected member of the community?

And ofc I ISO the one wolf in the one mash who does this

Challenge accepted

That’s explicitly bastard