General FM Strategy Thread 2.0

I only do this for D1.

After that I just check because Im too impatient and what to do an action.

(I will prolly never do this strat again tho)

afk town

Why lynch afk town

Why execute afk town

Cuz they’re evil

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Fair can’t aruge with that

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Yippee another term I’m going to see Geyde post about in future games

Or is this just a subset of thread movement?
Read a bit, saw it’s just a weird read. I thought it would be like predicting whether a wolf win is happening in the next 30 years or not.

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Literally every post I write in a mafia game is a oneliner that anybody can say and has a 0% chance of catching you or is no longer relevant by the time I’m posting it haha. Do the same thing you’d do as town and work yourself into a perspective and a mindset where you believe in some way what you’re saying. The majority of work as scum shouldn’t be building the post (just write naturally so you can have good tone) but crafting your angle of attack and agenda that will win you the game.
Town doesn’t know your agenda so it’s a lot harder to spew somebody town than you think.

The towniest way to play as town is to believe in yourself and your pushes/convictions while still being willing to hear others out. Try to make yourself townie and it will never work well. Try to catch scum and identify others’ alignments and it’ll work out much better.

Fun Fact for Newbies: Ici is right here and literally every scumtell ever is worse than reading motivation. The whole point of a scumtell is to get to the heart of how people post as scum. The scumtell isn’t the proof but the fact that a player has an agenda that manifests through it is (i.e. if somebody OMGUS’d you but they do it in a way that doesn’t seem like it’s through a scum perspective or could help scum them in some way, it isn’t proof they’re scum).

I disagree a lot with this. A player who is completely against thread climate is 90% of the time more of a playstyle thing than anything else. The players who imo are better to watch out for are those who are tonally changing based on thread climate.

Did you forget to mention Season 5 Game 8?

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I use that term a lot already.

Oh yeah that game where I got one of the only successful heals of the entire season off

Right :slight_smile:

and got quick lynched

WTF is matrix 9 and why is it such a garbage setup

It’s basically unwinable for mafia why do they even try

in fairness it’s hard to come up with example reads for a high-level concept like thread climate, it’s more of an angle of attack than a group of tells

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Icibalus I want you to look at this setup

It’s garbage isn’t it

How could anyone say this is a good idea

2 power roles in a 9p game

If you don’t hit PR N1 you are screwed

Not to mention a doctor and a bulletproof which can make you no kill N1 immediately…

That can’t roll in the same setup

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