Geyde's GI Turbo! - Game Over - The Blue Dragon and the Undertaker win!

I’m using pinyin chinese and keyboard wich translates me it into symbols.

I can only draw like few basic ones myself.

Ive heard there are thousands of them


aren’t there a thousand English words

yeah but they are made from just a handful of letters

There are.
But yet again, you can connect them into getting same words.

Why to bother learning new signs when you could just connect old ones in some logical way.

But only 26 alphabets

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We need a new letter

Well, learn like 300-400 words and you can create other words out of that.

How about it?

Or better yet a new language



This is interesting

english had more letters that people just didnt like so they dropped them


Almost done, just need a few more

Tell me if you haven’t received a card

I mean, english has letters to create different words.

Chinese is oposite concept.
It creates words out of words.

I know some polish
Cuka blyat

Me. :confused:

Damnit you

Also isn’t it Cyka blyat

