Geyde's GI Turbo! - Game Over - The Blue Dragon and the Undertaker win!

Really this is your only contribution?

/vote maximus


he’s alch and i used that 5 minutes ago

/vote Psycho

Can we test a thing? Just out of curiosity?

/vote MathBlade

Or HE’S LYING about it.

how is that scummy in any fucking way

our mayor is bleeding and y’all are retarded

/vote bluestorm

/vote psycho @Geyde


Isaac - Math
Psycho - Eevee, Fk, Maxi, Astand
Maxi - Psycho, Solic, Isaac, Gamer
Math - Blue

And if he does then I am dead

If he isn’t I live

It’s protown to make him prove it as if I die then y’all murderize him

i can test, so chill

By the way I’m alchemist

But you know what’s a cool class phill Swift

just look it up

it’s a cool class, but trust me I’m alchemist

nice I have 2 votes now

I also voted Maxi

looks like I might need to reveal too…

It’s not like you would get feedback from it.

N o

You arent alch

Because RNGoddess says so


Voted Voters Number Of Votes
Astand Solic 1/6
Isaac Math 1/6
GamerPoke MaximusPrimOwO 1/8
MaximusPrimOwO GamerPoke 1/8
Solic Margaret 1/8

|Marg| FK| 1/8

Inaccurate VC since I am eating breakfast .-.

1 Like

/vote psycho