Geyde's GI Turbo! - Game Over - The Blue Dragon and the Undertaker win!

Pardo n this

Because I feel lots of jealousy >:(

Eh. /pardon

Tbf it is

Execute psycho

Im hungry

Vote solic

that’s a lie tho? you should be able to use day abilities during trial if it’s a turbo

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/execute then

Gamerpoke and Margaret are susp in my opinion.

btw did anyone roll citizen or post restriction classes?

Math why should I heal you
I feel like you are scum

Ik, but voting too fast is a problem .-.

Is that because I dislike you in this game

Because I am town and you always think I am scum

This is such a scummy comment. :eyes:

Oh wait


My claim’s quite provable


And if you don’t you get death tunneled

Welcome to turbo

Or as I like to call it

Gas Gas Gas