Geyde's GI Turbo! - Game Over - The Blue Dragon and the Undertaker win!


HA! gottem


Can “I” talk at all? I’m still fecking salty so eh…

Yes it is.

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Get in your actions if you haven’t. I’m going to start calculating


I just realise that “Yellow egg sauce” is basically mayonnaise in Chinese.

Well, that was boring.

Players that died last night…

Mathblade was…

The Corrupt Politician

Gamerpoke was…


Surprisingly, all threats have been vanquished!

Oh look he was scum

BD won?

I’m disgusted

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nice heal firekitten

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Nooooooo, my wall of reads.



  1. Mathblade - One of players in this game announced by host. This is important cause look player 12 speculation. I believe theirs opening was wolfy af. Like they wanted to encourage us to do stuff, but it was ended with fake smiley. Brings to much attention to Math problems instead of real ones. Also his answer “Sounds like you’re allergic to logic Must be a bastard game” to Solic was kinda arogant. " Mathblade has revealed themselves as a member of the Blue Dragon" The fuck? That wasn’t in plans. Probably bastard reveal, but to be taken care later I guess. “It’s protown to make him prove it as if I die then y’all murderize him” - As I said - there is a lot of classes who can prevent actions, murderizing without proof sounds bad. This is the end of my reads for this player. Could be more, but tbh it is a freaking turbo and I have no idea how to write more bullshit about each player to reach two thousnd words in such short amount of time, so sorry for it, but if you was happy to read it… whatever, your choice to be a masochist.
  2. Firekitten - One of players in this game announced by host. This is important cause look player 12 speculation. Claims alchemist, me dislike, it is too easy claim in grand idea mafia. Claims “Math is scum He’s bleeding thank me later”. So he bled my scumread. It’s fine. “I’m healingmath tonight you want to stop me” that was stupid claim, cause people might roleblock you to kill whoever you protect. Meh. - The fact that so many people are wheeling this when I literally can heal the ic is what’s wrong here- It’s a grand idea mafia, what did you expect? A mercy from random people who have random classes? “But you know what’s a cool class phill Swift” - stop returning to it. It was boring, but could be worse. Whya re you returnig to it tho. Sheeped me on psycho wagon who flipped king od citizens. Not a citizen? Most likely. This is the end of my reads for this player. Could be more, but tbh it is a freaking turbo and I have no idea how to write more bullshit about each player to reach two thousnd words in such short amount of time, so sorry for it, but if you was happy to read it… whatever, your choice to be a masochist.
  3. Astand - One of players in this game announced by host. This is important cause look player 12 speculation. “In any case, I claim a class from Luxy’s Infection.” - That is not really helping, but a good soft I think. Sheeped me on psycho wagon who flipped king od citizens. Not a citizen? Most likely.
  4. BlueStorm - One of players in this game announced by host. This is important cause look player 12 speculation. Who is he, going through day 1 without much existance in the chat. This is the end of my reads for this player. Could be more, but tbh it is a freaking turbo and I have no idea how to write more bullshit about each player to reach two thousnd words in such short amount of time, so sorry for it, but if you was happy to read it… whatever, your choice to be a masochist.
  5. Margaret - One of players in this game announced by host. This is important cause look player 12 speculation. “uhh hey guys Can we follow PKR flowchart but instead on Solic” tbh weird comment why would you want to bring up PKR here? Also was not this flowchart for scum PKR? How would you know that Solic is scum? This is the end of my reads for this player. Could be more, but tbh it is a freaking turbo and I have no idea how to write more bullshit about each player to reach two thousnd words in such short amount of time, so sorry for it, but if you was happy to read it… whatever, your choice to be a masochist.
  6. Isaac - One of players in this game announced by host. This is important cause look player 12 speculation. “guy who is always late to the party” - No idea what it is, cause no time to really check it in thread, I will do it after finishing this readlist. Counterwagon on current king. I actualy approve that wagon as well, tho less then one wich was lynched day 1. Mostly cause other one was started by me. This is the end of my reads for this player. Could be more, but tbh it is a freaking turbo and I have no idea how to write more bullshit about each player to reach two thousnd words in such short amount of time, so sorry for it, but if you was happy to read it… whatever, your choice to be a masochist.
  7. Psycho - One of players in this game announced by host. This is important cause look player 12 speculation. arent there several mafia classes that can reveal as IC though? - Shadowcasting af, but I had the same thought. And now we will se what he was. I hope it was scum cause I could write more about possible connections to other scum. Tho probably looking at end of day I think otherwise. So we could analyse who sheeper me for free misslynch (?) Counterwagon on current king. I actualy approve that wagon as well, tho less then one wich was lynched day 1. Mostly cause other one was started by me. This is the end of my reads for this player. Could be more, but tbh it is a freaking turbo and I have no idea how to write more bullshit about each player to reach two thousnd words in such short amount of time, so sorry for it, but if you was happy to read it… whatever, your choice to be a masochist.
  8. Eevee - One of players in this game announced by host. This is important cause look player 12 speculation. perfect guy with perfect teeths, non-smelly socks and generaly more sexy then everyone else in this game. Also perfect. This is the end of my reads for this player. Could be more, but tbh it is a freaking turbo and I have no idea how to write more bullshit about each player to reach two thousnd words in such short amount of time, so sorry for it, but if you was happy to read it… whatever, your choice to be a masochist.
  9. Solic - One of players in this game announced by host. This is important cause look player 12 speculation. Probably town, noticed math problem of Math and said he does not like it. “Nobody makes healers unfortunately, RIP.” - true, worried about Math reveal, but accepting his death. Worth it. “Please heal him oh benevolent alchemist.” - trying to buy his favor into the alchemist. Meh, could be worse I guess. - He also could just be any NK/evil that can bleed ya know…? - True I guess. Many classes can bleed, that doesn’t confirm him in any way. Counterwagon on current king. I actualy approve that wagon as well, tho less then one wich was lynched day 1. Mostly cause other one was started by me. This is the end of my reads for this player. Could be more, but tbh it is a freaking turbo and I have no idea how to write more bullshit about each player to reach two thousnd words in such short amount of time, so sorry for it, but if you was happy to read it… whatever, your choice to be a masochist.
  10. Gamerpoke - One of players in this game announced by host. This is important cause look player 12 speculation. Who is he, going through day 1 without much existance in the chat. Can not use abilities on trials (?) Maximus claism you can. Counterwagon on current king. I actualy approve that wagon as well, tho less then one wich was lynched day 1. Mostly cause other one was started by me. This is the end of my reads for this player. Could be more, but tbh it is a freaking turbo and I have no idea how to write more bullshit about each player to reach two thousnd words in such short amount of time, so sorry for it, but if you was happy to read it… whatever, your choice to be a masochist.
  11. Maximus Prime - One of players in this game announced by host. This is important cause look player 12 speculation. the king, not sure of his aligment. Innocented the alchemist claim. Could be good I guess? “how is that scummy in any fucking way our mayor is bleeding and y’all are retarded” - Okay I disliked that answer to be honest. Could be worse, but… meh. Is actualy noticing suspicious stuff - “that’s a lie tho? you should be able to use day abilities during trial if it’s a turbo”. Sheeped me on psycho wagon who flipped king od citizens. Not a citizen? Most likely. Well, he is a king soooo… even more likely. This is the end of my reads for this player. Could be more, but tbh it is a freaking turbo and I have no idea how to write more bullshit about each player to reach two thousnd words in such short amount of time, so sorry for it, but if you was happy to read it… whatever, your choice to be a masochist.
  12. Poisoned Squid - Not a player, but complains about it. Possible hidden player (?) This is the end of my reads for this player. Could be more, but tbh it is a freaking turbo and I have no idea how to write more bullshit about each player to reach two thousnd words in such short amount of time, so sorry for it, but if you was happy to read it… whatever, your choice to be a masochist.

final read list, with some more words to make it longer:

  1. Mathblade - semi town
  2. Firekitten - neutral claim, could be evil, gonna trust for now
  3. Astand - Who?
  4. BlueStorm - Who?
  5. Margaret - Townie
  6. Isaac - Hardclaimed, need to prove
  7. Psycho - Scum, Shadowcasting af
  8. Eevee - me
  9. Solic - Town lean
  10. Gamerpoke - Who?
  11. Maxi - Neutral king saving alchemist (?)
  12. Poisoned Squid - scumm af, hidden player.


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lol I knew Math was Corrupt Politician

Also I was attacked, cheers for the ability

The Blue Dragon (Includes Eevee) and the Undertaker have won!

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I was IC. Quite boring.

I attacked you lol for voting Math