Geyde's GI Turbo! - Game Over - The Blue Dragon and the Undertaker win!

There were three IC roles

I knew Gamer was scummy. :eyes:

Soooo… who was evil?

Psycho / Math

bleeding math before he even posted-10/10

Undertaker must see all other wrestling characters dead to win

But I wasn’t scum

You were a mercenary to a scum pff.

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I lynched scum not even bothering about game, cause of wall writing.

Basing on one random shadowcast post.

I thought he was BD lol

Why did you write a wall

I could have been scum

But no wrestlers rolled

I was basically an Inq with no heathens

I claim prince tho

Oh you ACTUALLY were fakeclaiming Vulgard. Aaahhhh.

That’s what I was gunna claim

Also sorry @PoisonedSquid

Worst fakeclaim of years on that forum.

Still worth it.

Managing this many active players is really hard.

Hey @eevee

We actually won one with you needing NK to win and me being a wrestler

Yeah, Eevee won