Geyde's GI Turbo! - Game Over - The Blue Dragon and the Undertaker win!


  • It will start most likely 5 minutes after it fills.
  • Days are 15 minutes. Twilight is 2 minutes. Nights are 5 minutes, unless I’m a failure and extend it.
  • Early day actions will be processed during the day, late day actions will be processed during Twilight, due to me being a failure once more.
  • There can be more than one King, but only a King election will take place once there are no Kings remaining.
  • I’m slow af.
  1. Mathblade
  2. Firekitten
  3. Astand
  4. BlueStorm
  5. Margaret
  6. Isaac
  7. Psycho
  8. Eevee
  9. Solic
  10. Gamerpoke
  11. Maxi
    Ad infinitum…

The Ban List:

  • Hja Classes
  • Any true neighbourizers
  • Converters that don’t have a cooldown on conversion
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In or Die


Maybe soon, Ill see

but gamer

Mod Color

Can I use it? :open_mouth:

Well it depends if I can still join after eating


You can try, but thievery isn’t going to help lower your sentence.

I’ll just use this instead

So what does?

What about bribery? (A)

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I’m just going to eat peanut butter what’s the worse that can happen I’m starving

The document here says if you achieve your assigned win condition, you are free to leave the prison.

I’m disappointed in whoever wrote this.

