GI Discussion Thread

SSNs were a stopgap; they were never intended to be a mainstay institution.

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Back in the ye olde times of the 20th century, you could just… not apply for social security. Railway workers wanted in on the system but demanded a better pension system, so a specific agency (Railroad Retirement Board) with its’ specific subsystem of social security was established.

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Given that they didn’t apply, as most people did, when they started working, but rather after being in the industry for quite a bit, and specific rules applied due to the RRB’s existence, they had unique 3-digit strings at the start of their SSN.

Those strings are now going to show up again, of course, but until 2011 there was no other way to have an SNN with those particular 3 digits.

Ici knows more about America than America knows about America


i gather esoteric facts about government institutions irrespective of where they operate


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@Icibalus wow you know so much about this

can you help me with a variety of illegal activities

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i have read a lot of muder mystery books but i don’t think i’d actually be able to help you with that because arete would probably argue that helping people commit murder is “likely to propogate negative consequences” and thus immoral, not realising that virtue ethics is the only true system and i already have all the virtues

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no its not murder

i just need to steal my moms credit card so i can buy robux

that wont involve murder right?

ill give you my social security number as payment

unfortunately that is also “”“not morally permissable”""

why not

there is no ethical consumption under capitalism

there is

it’s called eating rich people


okay correction i’ve reconsidered my opinion and thought a lot more about the nuance of it

the only ethical consumption under capitalism is eating ass


what about eating trash

no uh actually “the only ethical consumption under capitalism is eating ass” is the only valid punchline to any jokes based on that phrase, and we can all go home now

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I’m like 95% convinced Ici is a government spy now