GI Discussion Thread


based on what

is that all you shitposting fucks can say?

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“man there’s only 3 new roles in the GI thread what did they do to spawn 74 in the discussion thread”


What a balanced role

fun fact about social security numbers
it’s painfully easy to just find somebody’s social security number

the numbers are assigned by a precise algorithm rather than randomised as people think, so you just need to know one or two SSNs in the sequence to find out anybody’s

am i going to tell you this method? no. fuck you.


fruit joat based

admittedly the other thing you need to know is the precise time and location of somebody’s birth but those records aren’t actually that hard to come by, and this knowledge is… surprisingly obscure, so they probably won’t suspect what’s going on

(side note: the other funny thing is that the first 5 digits of your SSN contain the least amount of identifying information)

(all the actually identifying information in the SSN is held in the final 4 digits.)

Like, an SSN number is structured like this:


The Xs correspond to the state in which the SSN was acquired, not even where you live, and there are only 13 possibilites for what the Y could be that repeat on a loop, so it really doesn’t tell you anything of any real significance.

this is now the social security number discussion thread




Only after the first 5 digits do we get to anything that actually identifies you personally.

What’s insane is that the final digits… are literally just “number of people who have applied for an SSN number when you got yours”. They increment by one each time.

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The SSN number is the least secure identifying token used in any major country, and the fact that the most powerful country in the world uses it is utterly insane. The only reasons they haven’t changed it is because installing a national ID with a system that actually works is an unpopular electoral policy. That’s it.

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Anyway, the joke about Conduit’s class is that it wouldn’t actually reveal any information that an identity thief couldn’t find out with the most basic amount of research. It shouldn’t actually be used anyway, but… now you know, I guess?

(okay final sidenote technically this is only true if you were born before 2011. After that, SSN’s become identifying again. However, there aren’t any 9-year olds on the forums, and the class is still a joke class and that bit is clearly not meant to be actually processed.)

(Post-2011 SSNs are still painfully easy to crack due to the lack of identification digit, but they’re not quite as bad as pre-2011 SSNs, which will still be predominate for at least the next 20 years)

It was actually just a coincidence that I used the first 5 numbers but the more ya know :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat: