GI Discussion Thread

Shoot honeycat.

thats enough for today

im running out of braincells

Don’t let the mods find out what you did.


outed scum. is a class type idk about you

p sure they’ll just become special

I’m warning you, the mods are about to rage at you.

no theyll think its funny

Pigeon outed scum

Idk about you but like mods are pretty chill, so I doubt they’ll get mad.

But she was being a good mod and she wasn’t mad I think

scum minion is valid

Heyo mod found out. Like change it as it affects certain things in GI thread as certain classes rely on it. Idc if u have that next to it as they are funny but please give it a normal one at minimum

-Dat being very minimally inconvenienced to write a single post

I changed it so now it has a proper class type ^^


Still think these should probably be pinned

We prob can pin em.

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Why tag me? I’m a little confused

OH nevermind

You replied to an earlier post i see

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Time to add another one.

It doesn’t actually target a wolf, it’s an error. If you look on the card, you’ll see it says another Player.

Also, making the vote secretly not count is entirely different than not being able to vote/nominate wolves.

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