GI Discussion Thread

but pigeon

you’re like

the only one who cares

I challenge the existence of this thread

or 3ps, id imagine

neutrals don’t exist

Good thing Discourse has a mute feature

pigeon blocking people :flushed::flushed::flushed:

thats oppressing free speech and you are currently oppressing mine

but you know what it doesn’t have? Sealand flag
I am outraged

if you have the right to criticize cards meant to be joke VT’s by calling them joke VTs, i reserve the right to inform you of the status of the amount of people who care

  1. …There are too many occurrences of the word “mute” in Discourse. I meant that as “mute this thread if you don’t like it”
  2. You have me blocked on Discord, so you’re point is nullified.


how do I dislike someone’s post


click the little flag button in the corner, the mods are fine with it

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those nostrils are staring into my soul

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what happens if I click that button next to the thread title

The little pencil? that’s the profanity filter. You can privately try out any nono words you want and it will show up censored if it’s filtered.

Oh god you’re about to change the title to something.

What have you done?

Pigeon venting thread pigeon venting thread