GI Turbo? (2/10) - The Ultra Super Mega Fool, the Fool and the Mafia won



Oh, the earlier post about ā€œits vul or janeā€ was about fool. Thatā€™s fine.

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why are you acting so shifty goddamn

/vote vul

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Wdym? Iā€™ve already given both my peeks.

Jane and Max are BD, I am BD, the three of you are all goddamn wolves.

vulg claimed vessel, yes?

/vote sulit

im doing this

/vote hippo

and im sticking with it

hippo cannot be the fool as he wasnt on the wagon

Nice, how far up vuls pocket are you?

Hippo/Chloe/sulit are probably all wolves. I think Chloe is the towniest there.

i have reason to believe it is jane as he faked a WoW


what is happeneing

Dude, me and Jane are mechconfirmed town and Jane peeked Italy->Max as BD night 1. You canā€™t contest this.

okay vul

your PoV is making no sense

you say jane is confirmed

he claims a neut check on me

you think im wolf


jane is the fool

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Is it majority or plurality?

The WoW isnā€™t fake, I am still in catgirl mason chat.

Vulgard - 3/4 - Hippo, Sulit, MaximusPrime
Sulit - 1/4 - Vulgard
Hippo - 1/4 - Chloe

Day 3 ends in 1 minute.

who is the fool then

If 4 votes got people die lynched