GI Turbo? (2/10) - The Ultra Super Mega Fool, the Fool and the Mafia won

99% sure*

It does it’s the Vessel

Fucking search it lol

thats called prince

i dun like jane

It does.

hippo who has been jailed

still explain how chloe isn’t groupscum tho

I lost my ability to vote from Marshal’s flip. I have Chloe will-o-wisp’ed as a Noot so it’s likely they’re either Fool or Possessor.

…Wait, why didn’t you slankvig Italy?

oh thats

a long classcard

I dont jail

Or anyone?

so it’s fine to kill chloe?

im not neut jane

/vote jane

@sulit speak

This game is a shitfest I haven’t shot yet but I can confirm tonight if someone posts under 20

If they’re the new Fool we basically lose, so no.

Hippo - 1/4 - Vulgard
Jane - 1/4 - Chloe