The Vessel
Blue Dragon Killing
Notches (Passive) - You start with one charm slot, called a notch. You gain one additional charm slot at nights 2, 4, and 6.
Charms (Passive) - You have a diverse list of Charms to choose from. They are presented as it follows:
Fury of the Fallen - If you are attacked and survive, your attacks are unhealable.
Baldur Shell - Survive the next attack made upon you. Once this effect is triggered, the charm is unusable. You will be notified of it.
Nailmaster’s Glory - You gain a Prepare night action. If you use it, you will gain Occupy and Redirection immunity for your next night action.
Weaversong - If there are any neighbourizer-like abilities in the game, their actions will be redirected unto you if used on anyone else. Conversions are the exception.
Equipable only on day 3 and forwards:
Kingsoul - Every day or night, this charm adquires the effect of another charm you don’t have equiped. It also can give you abilities of charms you can’t equip and charms that are broken. You don’t know which ability was randed.
Grubberfly’s Elegy - As long you didn’t have even a single vote in the final vote count at any given day, you can use your night actions during day.
Mark of Pride - Non-killing actions of Neutrals won’t work on you.
Thorns of Agony - If you are lynched, your hammerer dies alongside you.
Equipable only on day 5 and forwards:
Quick Focus - If you use this charm alongside Kingsoul, you are informed of which ability you randed.
Dream Wielder - If you visit a member of a scum faction at night, you will also occupy them.
Sprintmaster - The restriction on your night action is lifted.
Equipable only on day 7 and forwards:
Grimmchild - If a player not aligned Blue Dragon visits you, you will attack them.
Void Heart - You will know if you target a neutral with your night ability.
Joni’s Blessing - You are night immune, but can’t be healed.
Quick Slash - You can use your night ability two times each night on different targets.
Soul Eater - If you hammer a player not aligned with the Blue Dragon, you will need one more vote to be lynched. This effect is stackable.
Bench (Day) - Equip a Charm to an empty notch, or change the charm that is equiped on a slot for another - Infinite Uses.
Nail (Night) - If a player has made less than 20*number of days posts, attack them. - Infinite Uses.
Your objective is to defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm