GI Turbo Battle Royale - Game Over, Isaac wins

OwO this fucking pOst restritctiOn sucks

ā€¦, whatā€™s that? We need a King Election? Well I guess:

least you donā€™t have to call Wazza Daddy Wazza

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/Poison King

mommy light why must you have given daddy wazza this idea for a pr


at least there is no king

Yes letā€™s poison something that doesnā€™t exist.

or giving a monkey a shower.

nO u

I want to

I donā€™t know why I let daddy wazza have this idea

Is true tho

/step up

okay, everyone, im cool to townblock with anyone who doesnt have a killing ability

Letā€™s town bloc Iā€™m a butler and I canā€™t even poison

ok that was a easy pr

Step up in classcards, oh and also, day abilities donā€™t take effect until after the election.

all i have to do it say that iw ant to lick firekittens toes

needless to say mommy me is one, and mommy me is a class that works well with others