GI Turbo Battle Royale - Game Over, Isaac wins

no u

Also. If GI turbo get’s 100 classes I’ll start using it.

If It gets 69 I’ll happily use it

In which way.

/jump out of the window

laughs in both ways

> Implying that there are only two ways

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is there anymore ways tho? Either smash or use it

Look, I’m not here to give advice on NSFW topics, but you really have to be creative with your application of use.

haha lol.

But I thought I was creative enough with your mother last night :thinking:

Did you impregnate my mother?

Because it would explain why I’m so ugly

Honestly, I agree.

How you decided to help organize that section of the General Plan for the town was very creative. I don’t think it will pass, but I applaud the attempt. You should probably include more building clauses.

I believe the best choice you made there was deciding to have a fortnite dance off instead of the traditional death penalty.

Whoever survives gets the loot.

Honestly creative. Like SAW but not very blatant.

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Nah, that was your father

I’m your step father

Squid inned via Discord.

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We only got to see Joker’s model :^)

Sadly, I wasnt pinged