GI Turbo Battle Royale - Game Over, Isaac wins

I mean, legally then they get killed automatically.


knights have a kill ability

The fact that you didnt say that to Isaac means they are king

Are you shitting me? I get quickvoted and nobody is suspicious of the wagon?

Seems legit

You should CS Isaac who claimed alcoholic while I get two butlers to poison king

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This is a reference to a game and is a joke

I mean, King is literally revealed in the OP.

its everymommy for themself here.

i claimed alcoholic?

Too far to go up

If they don’t post within 15 minutes then we are legally allowed to kill them.

Light, pardon dis

A while back yeah

Can we night post?


Maximus, Me, You, Discord, Now.

Why, let’s just say there is… ZERO POINT, to it?

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change vote
/a :b: stain

1 more exe to hammer

squid i claimed alcoholic fight me