GI Turbo Battle Royale - Game Over, Isaac wins

why is he mad tho

I don’t understand human emotions sometimes

mostly cuz I don’t usually feel emotions

I’m pissed off at no one here. Just irl stuff. Sorry for insulting you.

Also I’m paranoid as fuck because THERE’S A SPIDER HERE SOMEWHERE IN MY ROOM.

It can be for a variable amount of reasons.

Most common is frustration with how often his games are called bastard and how often people have ‘problems’ with him as a host and a player.

It’s a negative feedback loop.

It’s a sign that you should continue playing fm

I can read minds btw

I am going to continue playing FM… but just not here.

Bastard game is most commonly defined as a game meant more for the hosts enjoyment then the players

That’s why I’m memesky now

lmao what am i thinking rn then

i feel you. I have good grades now in college but my grades were utter garbage in the middle of high school

I’ll probably return after Dangansmalltown on Mafia Universe.


He stated otherwise in that respect.

IRL stuff works differently.

And that’s all four of them.

I’m in APUSH rn with a C+ :^)

wtf that’s the worse thing to go play if you are having problems with stuff here

Also yes, I keep having to host Bastard Mechanics because I refuse to reject things that I can actually use.

Geyde will be on your ultra noob list if he doesn’t read your mind correctly

Not playing it. Hosting it. I have to be there for Pug.