GI Turbo - The Mafia are Victorious!

Stop speaking my fellow gamers.

Voting obv town Insanity and then myself.
I cannot believe they’re actually town.

Final Votecount:

Accused Voters Count
Italy KyoDaz, PsychoKang 2/4
KyoDaz Italy, Amelia 2/4

The Lynch will now be Randomized.

Italy = 1.

KyoDaz = 2.

@discobot 1d2

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.


how do you do this lmao.

@discobot roll 1d2

@discobot roll 1d2

@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 2

1 Like

:game_die: 2

1 Like

alright thanks

@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 1


Due to a ‘1’ existing thanks to Discobot. Italy will be executed. Please give me a moment.

Italy was the:

Delayed Doublevoter, but Mafia

Mafia Social

Double votes (Passive): Your vote silently counts for two. However, the second vote is slow, and will take effect the next day.
Mafia wincon

Night 1 begins and will end in 5 minutes.


Night has ended, processing actions now.


Intensify has died! They were:

The Logical

Blue Dragon Killer
Reasonable (Passive) - All of your posts must contain proper capitalization and spelling. You can never write an emotional post. If the host determines you have broken any of these rules, you will be modkilled immediately.
Stop Discussing Mechanics (Day) - Quote a player’s post discussing mechanics and write “Stop discussing mechanics.” below the quote, in the same post. After you submit the post, you immediately dayvig the player you quoted. (1 use)
Stop the AtE (Day) - Quote a player’s post where the player appeals to emotion and write “Stop the AtE.” below the quote, in the same post. After you submit the post, you immediately dayvig the player you quoted. (1 use)
Trim the PoE (Night) - Attack a player. If they were a member of the Blue Dragon, this ability becomes disabled until the end of the game.
Your objective is to defeat the evil factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

They had the following logs:

Day 2 has begun! Majority is 3.

bad news boys
i got a greencheck

feel free to listen to this during the night

What a weird kill

@ATNoName fullclaim please