GI Turbo - The Mafia are Victorious!

inb4 wazza instantly adds the spectators to the game


Shhh, don’t give him idea.

Good idea.

All spectators are forced to play :^)

and if they don’t they get modkilled


Force the specs to play…
I like it now do it

and they’re all scumbuds too

Little side note: N.1 is teaching me how to play BoTC and I am playing LOR right now plus reading discord… so I am like quadruple tasking…

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i have another task for you
relay to me everything he’s saying

U sure you want everything? Our Private DMs have like 1000 messages

Just join the war room sometimes we host BotC there

what is the war room


What’s the war room :eyes:

Check ami or simon profile

it’s the not-very official FoL Discord

there’s a link in Ami’s profile

who is this ami person you speak of

wait nvm

Time to pentuple task on 1 discord DM, 2 servers, FOL and LOR