GI Turbo - The Mafia are Victorious!

Please Continue. Day will be extended for a minute.

Day ends in 4 minutes.

intensify please reveal your n0 info
if you have it


/vote kyodaz
three way rand rand rand?

rand rand rand

Accused Voters Count
Insanity Amelia 1/4
Italy KyoDaz 1/4
KyoDaz Italy 1/4

Pretty sure it’s just ATNoName/PsychoKang + Italy

/vote Italy

No RNG, plz.

I mean I have a gun on Intensify

1 Like
Accused Voters Count
Insanity Amelia 1/4
Italy KyoDaz, PsychoKang 2/4
KyoDaz Italy 1/4

3 minutes remain.

Excuse me what

yes rng

italy unvote right now or you’ll be the one in the dumpster fire

dw about it

should i just claim


Sure :eyes:

I mean sure?